Penn Transit has resumed its fixed-route transportation services that include PennBus East and PennBus West. On-demand transit options such as Evening Shuttles and Penn Accessible Transit are operating as normal. Service for the Pennovation Works Shuttle and the Grocery Shuttle Pilot Program also is available.
Know Before Go
In addition to the display of a valid PennCard, all Penn Transit riders are required to display a valid “green” PennOpen Pass in a manner consistent with the current protocols for building-entry on Penn’s campus and as a means of reducing the risks of COVID-19.
Individuals who are not part of the University’s PennOpen Pass Program must either display their respective institution’s valid Daily COVID Screening Pass or participate in a driver-conducted screening and offer their verbal attestations. Individuals who cannot display a “green pass” or respond “Yes” to any of the attestation criteria will not be allowed to ride in the vehicle.
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