Author: Mayumi Hirtzel

Join the Penn cohort of the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia’s Young Professionals Council! The Young Professionals Council (YPC) connects ambitious, visionary young people with a strong, diverse network of peers, mentors, and regional business and civic leaders. Penn employees can qualify for YPC membership and gain exclusive access to networking events, service opportunities, […]
University of Pennsylvania parents and educators can now browse and borrow more than 1,500 award-winning and notable books for children and young adults, all highlighting diverse characters and experiences, as part of a new initiative at the Penn Libraries. The new and growing collection features English-language books, with selections suitable for the youngest readers up […]
Congratulations to the 2023 WOCAP Awardees! Annually, awards are given in up to six categories: Helen O. Dickens, Joann Mitchell Outstanding Legacy, faculty/staff, graduate and/or professional student, undergraduate student, and community member. Award criteria and details can be found at the Women of Color Awards website: Undergraduate: Mya Gordon, C’24Graduate: Kyabeth Torres, PhD CandidateFaculty/Staff: Sharon […]
[Image Text]FREE online courseBenjamin Franklin and His WorldExplore the life of one of the United States’s most important historical figures. Course topics: * Franklin’s early life growing up in the American colonies, rising from having little formal education to a man who could retire in his 40s.* Career as a polymath who did everything from […]
PennTransit Mobile has replaced the PennRides on Request app, and offers several enhancements to riders’ current experience, including improved arrival estimates, the ability to see fixed-route and on-demand options in one screen, integration of bike sharing and walking options, and commonly requested points of interest. PennTransit Mobile is currently available for download from the Apple […]
Penn Transit is pleased to announce the inclusion of the first full-size electric vehicles to its fleet. Four new vans primarily accommodate the following transit routes: On-Request Evening Shuttles, Penn Accessible Transit, A.M. Medical Service Shuttle, FMC Shuttle, and Pennovation Works Shuttle.  Read more.
Did You Know? Childcare options are conveniently available on campus at Penn Children’s Center for members of the University community. The accredited early education and childcare facility offers flexible options for individuals with needs ranging from 2 – 5 days of care. Immediate openings are available in our preschool program for children ages 3 to 5.  Additionally, since schoolroom capacity […]
Student loan debt has increased significantly over the past decade and has climbed to more than $1.7 trillion. Penn understands that many staff and faculty have been burdened with repayment, creating strains on your mental and financial health. That’s why the University has partnered with PeopleJoy, a financial wellness benefits organization that specializes in student […]
Penn’s Bicycle Commuter Reimbursement Program for eligible staff and faculty: In this video, learn how, for benefits-eligible staff and faculty, commuting by bike to Penn can benefit your health, your wallet, and the environment. On YouTube:
[Reprinted from an email sent March 8, 2022, to all Penn faculty and staff] News about current events can be unsettling. You may be looking for ways to work through the stress, anxiety, and concern you are feeling. Penn’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here for you and your families. We also want to share […]