Author: Mayumi Hirtzel

Human Resources: “Chats with Jack”Your Chance to meet with Jack Heuer, Senior VP for Human Resources Inviting all monthly-paid staff:  Please register your interest in joining an upcoming, in-person Chats with Jack session during 2022-2023. Senior Vice President for Human Resources, Jack Heuer, Ed.D., will join a select group of monthly-paid employees to discuss all Human Resources questions brought forward.  For […]
Sent to the PPSA listserv on September 15, 2021, this message calls attention to a non-exhaustive selection of return-to-campus resources that are available to Penn Staff. Return to Campus Support Circles for Penn EmployeesRestorative Practices @ Penn (RP@P), with partners from across the University, will be hosting three Circle conversations for processing and building community […]
Recording available here Recorded Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1:00pm ET All PPSA members were encouraged to participate in this special meeting.  Our featured guest was Stacey Lopez, the staff representative to the Consultative Committee for the Selection of a President.  Dr. Lopez received feedback from Penn staff that she will convey to the Committee and inform […]
To support faculty and staff exploring what commuting and parking options are available, Penn Transportation and Parking has implemented, which connects you to important information about discounted public transit and bike commuter options, how Penn Transit can serve commuters who reside near the University, campus parking options, and other valuable resources and updates. 
Penn Transportation and Parking has introduced a new option for faculty and staff who require occasional parking as part of their commutes. Read more …
The Penn Sustainability Office has just released the Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 3.0 Annual Report FY20, based on data and metrics from fiscal year 2020 gathered from across many academic and administrative units at the University. The Climate and Sustainability Action Plan 3.0 Annual Report FY20 documents Penn’s progress towards the goals of the […]
We invite you to explore our newly redesigned eCard website, featuring a clean and modern look, new functionality that allows users to conveniently send to multiple contacts at one time, over ten new cards, and a brand new “Zoom Background” category that allows users to download six campus scenes and custom Penn-branded backgrounds to share […]
Penn Transit has resumed its fixed-route transportation services that include PennBus East and PennBus West.  On-demand transit options such as Evening Shuttles and Penn Accessible Transit are operating as normal.  Service for the Pennovation Works Shuttle and the Grocery Shuttle Pilot Program also is available. Know Before Go In addition to the display of a valid PennCard, all Penn Transit riders are required to display […]
Deals and discounts are waiting for you at YouDecide, a consumer products portal that features new offers and everyday savings from popular national and local brands. Faculty and staff are encouraged to visit YouDecide often to browse through the latest selections. Your PennKey and password are required for access. Visit YouDecide at
Many of our favorite stores and restaurants are open again and ready to serve you! See what’s open: Follow us on social media for the latest news, offerings, and promotions: @shopsatpenn #shoppenn