Exploring Healthcare and Legal Challenges: Panel Discussion and Educational Opportunities

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Date(s) - 10/24/2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Exploring Healthcare and Legal Challenges: Panel Discussion and Educational Opportunities

Thursday, October 24, 2024  |  12:00-1:00pm  |  Zoom

Join the Master in Law (ML) Program for a compelling online discussion hosted by Penn Carey Law’s Master in Law (ML) Program, focusing on urgent topics at the intersection of law and healthcare. This panel will address critical legal issues and showcase the unique educational opportunities available through ML courses specifically tailored to these areas.


Professor Angus Corbett,
Adjunct Professor of Law, Penn Carey Law
Underinsurance, reforms of the ACA, funding Medicare, the evolving role of managed care, and the dynamics of pharmaceutical pricing

Professor Holly Fernandez-Lynch,
Associate Professor, Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine and Associate Professor of Law, Penn Carey Law
Current state of abortion laws, FDA approval standards, and the implications of the fall of Chevron

Professor Asha Scielzo,
Director of the Health Law and Policy Program, American University Washington College of Law and Association President, American Health Law Association (AHLA)
Recent developments in False Claims Act cases, Stark, and Anti-kickback statutes, trends in healthcare transactions, and advancements in Digital Health, including AI and telehealth

Catharine Restrepo,
Assistant Dean, Master in Law Program, Penn Carey Law

This event is ideal for healthcare professionals, legal experts, students, and anyone interested in the complexities of health law and policy. Join us to gain valuable insights and learn about further educational opportunities in this critical field.

Register: https://penncareylaw.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUvdemtpzsoG9E6feFXT7z-Y5PF6_cMLBeS