Heritage, Rights, and Land Reclamation for California Native American Tribes

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Date(s) - 04/22/2021
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Regaining land ownership represents the work of decolonization in practice. This presentation celebrates the restitution of a portion of the original Colfax Rancheria to the Colfax-Todds Valley Consolidated Tribe by a private donor. Our presenters explore their aspirations and hopes for the future of the Tribe, and how their experience can be a model for other tribes seeking to reclaim their home places.

Native American tribes across the United States have historically been dispossessed of their reservation lands through legal maneuvering, outright deceit, and formal policy. This land loss is compounded for tribes that also lost their federal status through administrative action or “termination” laws enacted by Congress. Especially in northeastern California, which has a high number of terminated and unrecognized tribes, the restitution of former reservation lands is a way to strengthen communities in the present.

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