Date(s) - 12/27/2022 - 12/30/2022
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Penn Museum
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Kids under 17 will receive free admission during “Winter Break” at the Penn Museum, December 27-30, from 10:00 am-4:00 pm.
Back by popular demand and extended to four full days, Winter Break offers
indoor museum adventures for families looking to enhance their holiday
experiences with history and vibrant cultures from around the world.
Along with the self-guided Amazing Artifacts tour featuring QR codes to help
guests “dig deeper” into each object, young artists can create paper mosaics at a
free “Creation Station” in the Museum’s Asia Galleries all day.
Each day at 11:00 am, kids can learn about the principals of Kwanzaa through
inspirational stories with Paul D. Best, “Our Sun Paul,” from Keepers of the
Culture, Inc., Philadelphia’s Afrocentric storytelling group.
At 1:00 pm, guests can join the “Daily Dig,” a 15-minute “deep dive” into one
artifact on display—what it is, how it was used, and what it can tell today’s
researchers about the people who lived in that region during that time.
With galleries dedicated to life in Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, Mexico and
Central America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Native American Voices, the Penn
Museum showcases 10,000 years of human history. Its new interactive, multi-
sensory Eastern Mediterranean Gallery: Crossroads of Cultures highlights how the
region that now encompasses Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Territories was a
cosmopolitan hub whose innovations (like the alphabet and the roots of major
faiths) shaped today’s world.
In addition, the U-2 Spy Planes & Aerial Archaeology exhibition zooms in on select
artifacts and 15 large-scale images that offer 70,000-foot-high views of ancient
sites—illustrating how top-secret reconnaissance materials from the Cold War
help today’s archaeologists to decode the past.
All Winter Break activities are included with general admission. Tickets are now
available online.
Holiday Schedule
The Penn Museum will be closed on November 24; December 24; December 25;
December 31; and January 1, 2023.
Admission to the Penn Museum is always FREE with PennCard.