Knowledge By the Slice: Coral Reef Survival in the Climate Crisis

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Date(s) - 11/09/2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Irvine Auditorium Cafe 58


Penn Arts & Sciences’ long-running Knowledge by the Slice lunchtime series offers educational talks led by our insightful faculty experts. Did we mention there’s pizza? So, come for the discussion and have a slice on us.

Coral reefs are a sentinel, warning us of the growing dangers of climate change for both natural and human ecosystems. In this talk, Katie Barott, Assistant Professor of Biology, will discuss her research on how corals are responding to the climate crisis, which has revealed hopeful signs of increasing stress tolerance in some corals but accumulating stress and death in others. Whether today’s survivors make it through the next few decades depends on societies around the world embracing zero-carbon economies.