Knowledge by the Slice: Criminal Justice Reform Guided by Evidence

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Date(s) - 03/16/2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Irvine Auditorium Cafe 58

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Penn Arts & Sciences’ long-running Knowledge by the Slice lunchtime series offers educational talks led by our insightful faculty experts. Did we mention there’s pizza? So come for the discussion and have a slice on us. To watch past Knowledge by the Slice lectures, please click here.

What criminal justice reforms should we adopt? In this talk, MacDonald discusses the need for reforms to be guided by evidence of effective social programs that are consistent with the basic facts of crime and guard against the tail risk of surges in serious crime and violence. He will review evidence showing that programs focused on increasing informal and formal social control in families, schools, communities, and by the criminal justice system are effective at preventing serious crime and make recommendations for their success.