Virtual Workshop: 6-Session Resilience Series: Resilience and Learned Optimism

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Date(s) - 02/08/2022
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


This series presents core resilience skills you can use in your personal and professional lives. During each 90-minute workshop, you’ll learn how each skill contributes to resilience and well being and participate in group exercises with colleagues to explore the content together. We hope that this series provides you with new tools to bolster your resilience and well-being and enhance your relationships at work and at home.

Signing up for this workshop implies that you will attend all six (6) sessions to receive credit.

Event Code: QW00001-020822
Event Dates: 2/8/2022, 2/22/2022, 3/8/2022, 3/22/2022, 4/5/2022, 4/19/2022
Event Cost: $0.00
Event Time: 12:30-2pm
Event Location: Virtual
Event Instructors: Penn Positive Psychology Center

2/8/2022: Resilience and Learned Optimism
2/22/2022: Avoid Thinking Traps
3/8/2022: Real-Time Resilience
3/22/2022: IDEAL Model for Difficult Conversations
4/5/2022: Joy Multiplier
4/19/2022: Positive Emotions and Resilience Symbols

To register for all 6 sessions: