PPSA Membership Meeting with guest Alanna Shanahan

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Date(s) - 01/14/2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Dear Professional Staff Colleagues,

You are invited to the annual PPSA membership meeting, to be held virtually on Friday, January 14, 2022, from 12:00-1:00pm ET.  Please register here:  https://upenn.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_emMA8ost60gKHR4.

Our guest:  Dr. Alanna Shanahan

We are privileged to welcome as our guest Dr. Alanna Shanahan, the T. Gibbs Kane, Jr. W’69 Director of Athletics and Recreation, for a conversation about her career journey back to Penn and about resources available to staff through Penn Athletics and Recreation.

For a vote:  Proposed amendment to PPSA Bylaws

During the meeting, we will vote on a proposed amendment to the PPSA Bylaws.  The amendment was considered under Article VIII of the current bylaws.  The PPSA Executive Board at its Monday, December 13, 2021, meeting voted to send the proposed amendment to a vote of PPSA membership by a vote of six in favor, three opposed, and two abstaining.

The proposed change to the bylaws states that should a Chair be unable to assume the Past-Chair role, and the current Past-Chair is unable to continue in the Past-Chair role for another year, the Past Chair role will remain vacant, and a former Executive Board member will be chosen to serve in the Past-Chair’s duty as a member of the University Council Committee on Honorary Degrees in the year following  year.

Board members in favor of the amendment believe that a former member of the Board would not have adequate experience to serve as an advisor to the Chair and Chair-Elect, which is a traditional role of the Past Chair.  Board members opposed to the amendment believe that leaving the Past Chair position vacant would detract from the ability to divide the many ad hoc responsibilities of PPSA’s Tri-Chairs, thus increasing the burden of effort required by the Chair and Chair-Elect.

These proposed amendments are available for review here:


Patrick Walsh, Kris Forrest, and Anne Corcoran-Petela

PPSA Tri-Chairs